Practicing the art

of the conscious awareness

of spirit in our everyday lives.


Google Definition:  (n) Silver cord is, in metaphysical  literature, a term referring to the connection between
the physical body, astral body, and Higher Self.

We thought  ...  "A Silver Cord" ...  the thread that connects spirit and the physical being,

the connection twixt heaven and earth

or, consider perhaps, a path to inner awareness?

As the winding path leads us from the outer edge of the labyrinth ultimately to the inner or core, there are no wrong turns, no bad directions, no dead ends.  The path of the labyrinth always leads to center. The metaphore, reflection, mirror that the labyrinth offers us is that of the seeker, the human be-ing seeking understanding and connection to spirit. 

Energetically, as we engage and focus on our journey, each new experience (or turn on the path), invites us to entertain a different perspective, an alternative point of view... whether it is simply the view as we make our way around the labyrinth, or a new understanding or awareness relative to a question, challenge or issue at hand.

We are all invited on this journey to the center of our sacred selves. We are all invited to become inspired by our lives, to change our perspectives, to seek balance, understanding, awareness and connection to our inner selves. We are invited to expand our awareness of the multi-dimensionality of our real lives. 

Welcome.... to the journey of your life... to the path of seeker... 

A silver cord leads you to the source of all that is...

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Connecting Heaven & Earth...


We invite you to visit our blog.

There you may download a full color copy of our Open Heart Labyrinth.

fyi...  it's at the end of the blog, after all the older posts....

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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

All Aboard!
From blog to website...
From red to greenlight...
From night to daylight...
Moving forward along the Silver Cord...
Breathe, I say... and come aboard!
....Binah, Dec. 15, 2009
6:34 pm est          Comments

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