This is part of the information included in our Personal Labyrinth
Meditation kit... Enjoy.... Just light a leaf of dried
sage, extinguish the flame and let the wisp of smoke float over your labyrinth and around your space, clearing and balancing
the air & energy of your space. Deep Breath. Read the meditation so you have an idea of how your journey may begin. Deep
Breath. Pick a stone to help you connect to what area of your mind/body connection you might focus on. (Stones/colors relate
to chakras, relate to body areas and their specific mental/emotional/spiritual issues. There will be more details
in your kit.) Deep Breath. Hold your stone and smile (they say the action of smiling actually engages the heart... and
what better way to start your journey than with the heart energy taking the lead!) Deep Breath. Now, focus on your question,
issue or intention, place your finger at the beginning of the path and follow the path with your finger around
the curves of the labyrinth, as you read thru the written meditation. Many folks I know consider that the journey to center
creates opportunity to release what is standing in the way or limiting us from manifesting our 'hearts desire'.
As you enter the center, allow your focus to return to your heart, deep breath. At center, pause, listen, trust. You
may, or may not... 'hear', intuit, 'know' something about your journey at this point. You WILL KNOW when it it time
to start back to the beginning. You just will!... And if you were conscious of intending, or willing to release what is standing
in your way as you moved into the labyrinth, you may choose now, as you move outward from the center, to accept or receive
whatever knowledge or awareness will enhance and support you relative to your intention and focus for this meditation. Sometimes...
insights and awareness are realized about things we hadn't even considered 'taking into the labyrinth' or meditating on...
As always... the metaphores , the mirrors, the
magic of this sacred space may show themselves in a variety of ways and times. The most marvelous intuitions I've had, have
come in major huge AAAhhh. HAAAaaa's.... sometimes days later... you know... like when you're doing dishes, or ironing, or
weeding or trying to get the dogs ball out from under the bed... then pow, wammo! Suddenly there it is... the answer to the
question you took into the labyrinth... HOW DOES THIS HAPPEN?!... Energy, I say, vibration, multi-dimensional realities...
and intention. I intended to understand, I asked, I took the steps.... I did the deep breath, and intended to know what
I needed toknow... And when I was ready to hear it... that's when it came, that's when I got it... like snail mail sometimes...
and usually after I've finally decided 'maybe it didn't work,' 'maybe I didn't ask it right, maybe the timing is off... and
I've let it go... and suddenly... there it is.. So,
my friends.... there it is.... the secret... walk in, let it go, walk out. Release it all to the sacred space that surround
you, to the vortex in the universe that carries our thoughts and dreams, our confusion and questions, our intentions and desires
from this physical place we live and walk to the etheric realms, to the masters, guides and angels... As long as we hold onto
it all with our expectations... as long as we think we are not worthy, as long as we fear we may not get what we want, it
is all stuck on this earth plane; with these heavy vibrations, we hold our dreams back from the realms
of the universe that support, enhance and allow the evolution from fantasy to fact! from vision to manifestation...
Dawn Serenity and the Peace Pole at the center |